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Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)

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Scope: Patient and family members we serve in the hospital


Facilitate an effective, collaborative partnership among patients, families and healthcare providers where patients' and families' perspective and experience are considered and integrated in the planning and implementation of services and improvement projects for a safe, high-quality and cost-efficient healthcare.


To improve the patient and family experience at Alhambra Hospital Medical Center through open and respectful communication between patient, family and healthcare providers.


Engage patients and families in a respectful, constructive and on-going dialogue on ways to: improve care, services and experience in the hospital; facilitate coordinated transition through the continuum of care; and promote health maintenance.

Strategic goals:
1.Promote effective and culturally sensitive communication between patient, family and health care provider
2.Encourage patient and family in actively providing inputs in care
3.Integrate patient's point of view into service and quality improvements
4.Promote patient- and family- centered care principle
5.Promote collaboration with healthcare providers to ensure the safety and quality of care provided to patients
6.Educate patient and family about anticipated needs and process of post hospital care to raise awareness of health/safety issues and highlight importance of coordination of care.

Patient and Family Advisory Council Function:

Patient and Family Advisors will work together and provide suggestions to healthcare facility based on his/her previous experiences. Healthcare facility will base on the feedbacks for future improvement.

Patient and Family Advisory Council Members:

PFAC will include but not limited to the following staff from Alhambra Hospital Medical Center: Chief of Executive Officer, Chief of Nursing Officer, Director of Performance Improvement, Director of Case Manager, Supervisor of Patient Relations, one Case Manager and Patient Relations Coordinator and two to three members who used to be patient/family/caregiver in the hospital.


PFAC members have received care as a patient or patient's family at Alhambra Hospital Medical Center during the last three years.
·Council member has to be respectful to others and passionate on providing feedbacks to help Alhambra Hospital Medical Center continuously provide good quality of care.
·Council members have to contribute 1.5 hours per month to participate in meeting


Council member will:
·Utilize their experiences as an example for Alhambra Hospital Medical Center future improvement.
·Share their feedback regarding care transition and education provided in the hospital.
·Utilize PFAC feedback in patient experience meeting and QI/UR (Quality Improvement/Utilization Review for future improvement if needed.


The council will meet one time per month unless determined by the council that additional number of meetings is necessary based on council needs. The Patient Relations Supervisor will be the liaison between council members and Alhambra Hospital Medical Center.