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After your hospitalization, you will receive an email invitation with a link to register to a patient portal account.

How do I log in to my Patient Portal?

Click on the link that was provided to you in your email and enter your login and password.

LIVE Expanse Patient Portal Login Page

LIVE Expanse Patient Portal WCAG Login Page (for visually impaired users)

If you were a patient at Alhambra Hospital Medical Center and did NOT sign up for the Patient Portal BUT would like access, please do one of the following:

IN PERSON: Come to Alhambra Hospital Medical Center to fill out the Authorization form

MAIL: Download and complete the Authorization for Access to Patient Portal form

Patient Portal Application

Mail the completed form with proof of identification to:

Alhambra Hospital Medical Center
Health Information Management Department
100 S. Raymond Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91801

EMAIL: You may also return form by email to:


1. Please also attach a picture of valid Identification to completed form. We are unable to process your request without Identification.
2. Digital signature is NOT ACCEPTED. Please make sure a "handwritten signature" is made on form.

3rd Party API – Access to electronic health information request:

It is now possible to access your health information through approved third-party applications, such as those used on a smartphone or computer. Depending on the chosen application, you may be able to access information such as your medications, allergies or lab results all in one app location.

Have an application you would like to use? Please send a request by:

1. Downloading the following application:

Third-party API Authorization Form for Medical Records

2. Email to:


1. Please also attach a picture of valid Identification to completed form. We are unable to process your request without Identification.
2. Digital signature is NOT ACCEPTED. Please make sure a "handwritten signature" is made on form.

Please remember that you may also utilize Myhealth to access your health records. Please note that certain information may not be immediately available.

Third Party Application Disclaimer:
Please be advised that our practices do not endorse any specific health information mobile applications (hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Apps"). Our practices did not develop, and do not own, manage, or provide customer support for any of the Third Party Apps listed; and accordingly our practices hereby explicitly disclaim any warranty or guarantee as to the utility or security of such Third Party Portal Apps. Such Third-Party Apps will not include the same features as are available in the Patient Portal itself, and such applications may also charge a user fee. Our practices recommend that patients carefully review the terms and conditions of use of any Third-Party App prior to downloading and utilizing such Third-Party App.

Patient Portal FAQs

If I have a technical problem, or a non-urgent question that I don't see answered above, how can I get help?

Please contact us for assistance: Patient Information Hotline at 626-457-7888, Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm. You can also email us at for additional questions.